Race Calendar for 2016
Here’s the 2016 RGB Race Calendar – so you have no excuse, you know when it’s all happening…
We start at Oulton Park, up near Manchester…
Races 1 and 2:
April 2, Oulton Park (Saturday)
Note: Both races are on Saturday, including practice/qualifying!
…and then a two day affair at Brands, nice and local for us southerners…
Races 3 and 4:
April 23/24, Brands Hatch (Saturday/Sunday)
After that we go way north to Croft, near Darlington…
Races 5 and 6:
May 21/22, Croft (Saturday/Sunday)
And then over to North Wales in July…
Races 7 and 8:
July 16/17, Anglesey (Saturday/Sunday)
In August we get to race on the International circuit at Silverstone…
Races 9 and 10:
August 20/21, Silverstone International (Saturday/Sunday)
Then north again to Rockingham, near Northampton, to enjoy those long summer nights at Europe’s fastest racing circuit…
Races 11 and 12:
September 10/11, Rockingham (Saturday/Sunday)
And finally to close off the Championship we go to the Donington GP circuit…
Races 13 and 14:
October 1/2, Donington GP Circuit (Saturday/Sunday)
At the end of the season there is a 6 hour relay race at Silverstone GP Circuit, on Saturday, October 22, but we don’t know yet if we will be entering it, so watch this space!
Remember, you’re all welcome to come and help, or just to watch! Let us know if you are planning on going, we’re looking forward to seeing you there 🙂
Here’s the full 750MC Calendar for 2016 to show what else is on those same days…
Visit the 750MC website for more info: www.750mc.co.uk